In the world of international trade, securing payment for goods and services is paramount. One of the most reliable methods for ensuring this is through a Letter of Credit (LC). Among the different types of LCs, the Usance LC stands out for its unique benefits and applications. This comprehensive guide will explore the ins and outs of Usance LC, its meaning, differences with Sight LC, and much more. Let’s dive in!

What is Usance LC?

Definition and Meaning

A Usance Letter of Credit (Usance LC) is a type of LC that allows the buyer a certain period to pay the seller after the goods have been shipped and received. This period, known as the usance period, can range from 30 to 180 days, giving the buyer more time to sell the goods before making the payment.

How Does Usance LC Work?

The Process

  1. Agreement: The buyer and seller agree on the terms of the sale, including the use of a Usance LC.
  2. Issuance: The buyer’s bank issues the Usance LC in favor of the seller, guaranteeing payment after a specified period.
  3. Shipment: The seller ships the goods and presents the necessary documents to their bank.
  4. Acceptance: The seller’s bank forwards the documents to the buyer’s bank for acceptance.
  5. Payment: The buyer makes the payment after the usance period, which could be 90 days, 180 days, or as agreed.

Benefits of Usance LC

  • Flexibility: Provides buyers with extended time to pay, improving cash flow.
  • Security: Ensures sellers receive payment as the issuing bank guarantees it.
  • Trade Facilitation: Encourages international trade by offering deferred payment options.

Sight LC vs Usance LC

Usance LC

What is Sight LC?

A Sight Letter of Credit (Sight LC) requires the buyer to make the payment immediately upon presentation of the necessary documents by the seller. There is no credit period in a Sight LC.

Key Differences

  • Payment Timing: Sight LC requires immediate payment, whereas Usance LC offers a deferred payment period.
  • Cash Flow: Usance LC provides better cash flow management for buyers compared to Sight LC.
  • Risk: Sight LC poses lower risk for sellers as payment is immediate, while Usance LC involves waiting for the payment.

Comparison Table

FeatureSight LCUsance LC
Payment TimingImmediate upon document presentationDeferred after a specific period
Cash Flow Impact (Buyer)Immediate outflowDelayed outflow
Risk (Seller)LowHigher (due to deferred payment)

Usance LC 90 Days and 180 Days

Usance LC

Usance LC 90 Days

A Usance LC with a 90-day period allows the buyer three months to pay for the goods after they have been shipped. This period is beneficial for products with a quick turnover rate.

Usance LC 180 Days

For goods that require more time to sell or for larger transactions, a Usance LC with a 180-day period is more suitable. This six-month period provides ample time for the buyer to manage their inventory and cash flow.

Choosing the Right Usance Period

  • Product Type: Perishable goods may require a shorter usance period, while durable goods can have a longer period.
  • Market Conditions: Consider market demand and supply chain logistics.
  • Financial Strategy: Align the usance period with your financial and sales cycles.

Difference Between Sight and Usance LC

Detailed Comparison

  • Purpose: Sight LC is used for transactions requiring immediate payment, while Usance LC is for those needing deferred payment terms.
  • Documentation: Both LCs require the presentation of documents, but the payment timeline differs significantly.
  • Credit Terms: Sight LC offers no credit terms, whereas Usance LC provides a credit period.

Practical Implications

  • For Sellers: Choose Sight LC for faster liquidity and Usance LC for longer sales cycles.
  • For Buyers: Opt for Usance LC to improve cash flow management and Sight LC for immediate transactions.

Sight and Usance LC: Understanding the Similarities

Common Features

  • Bank Guarantee: Both types of LCs offer a guarantee from the issuing bank, ensuring payment to the seller.
  • Documentation: Require a set of documents, including the bill of lading, invoice, and insurance documents.
  • Facilitation of Trade: Both LCs facilitate international trade by mitigating the risks associated with cross-border transactions.


Usance LC

Understanding Usance LC and its applications is crucial for businesses engaged in international trade. It offers flexibility, improved cash flow management, and security for both buyers and sellers. By comparing Usance LC with Sight LC, businesses can make informed decisions that align with their financial strategies and market conditions.

Ready to leverage the benefits of Usance LC for your international trade operations? Visit LetterofCreditOnline to learn more and Contact Us Today today!

What happens if the buyer defaults on a Usance LC?

If the buyer defaults, the issuing bank is obligated to make the payment to the seller. The bank will then seek reimbursement from the buyer, possibly including interest and penalties as stipulated in the agreement.

Can a Usance LC be transferred?

Yes, a Usance LC can be transferable, but it must be explicitly stated as transferable in the LC terms. This allows the original beneficiary to transfer part or all of the credit to another party.

How does a Usance LC benefit exporters?

Exporters benefit from a Usance LC by having a guarantee of payment from the issuing bank. This assurance can make it easier for exporters to manage their finances and reduce the risk of non-payment.

Is a Usance LC suitable for all types of goods?

While a Usance LC can be used for various types of goods, it is particularly beneficial for products that have a longer sales cycle or for transactions where the buyer needs more time to arrange payment.

How does a Usance LC improve cash flow?

A Usance LC improves cash flow by allowing the buyer to receive and sell the goods before payment is due. This deferred payment period can help businesses manage their working capital more effectively.

What are the risks associated with a Usance LC?

  • Credit Risk: If the buyer fails to pay at the end of the usance period, the issuing bank is responsible for the payment.
  • Exchange Rate Risk: Fluctuations in currency exchange rates during the usance period can impact the final amount paid.
  • Documentation Risk: Incorrect or incomplete documentation can delay payment

Can the terms of a Usance LC be modified?

Yes, the terms of a Usance LC can be modified, but it requires mutual agreement between the buyer, seller, and the issuing bank. Any amendments should be documented and accepted by all parties involved.

How is the interest on Usance LC calculated?

The interest on a Usance LC is usually calculated based on the usance period and the agreed-upon interest rate. This rate can vary depending on the banks involved and the creditworthiness of the buyer.

What documents are required for a Usance LC?

The typical documents required include:

  • Commercial Invoice
  • Bill of Lading
  • Packing List
  • Insurance Certificate
  • Certificate of Origin
  • Any other documents specified in the LC terms

When should I use a Usance LC?

A Usance LC is ideal when the buyer needs more time to sell the goods before making the payment, or if the transaction involves goods that have a longer sales cycle. It helps in better cash flow management and planning.

How long can the usance period be?

The usance period can range from 30 days to 180 days or more, depending on the agreement between the buyer and seller. Common usance periods are 30, 60, 90, and 180 days.

How do I apply for a Usance LC?

To apply for a Usance LC:

  1. Contact LC Provider: Discuss your needs with your LetterofcreditOnline.
  2. Provide Details: Submit the required details, including the seller’s information, transaction amount, usance period, and required documents.
  3. Issuance: The LC Provider will issue the LC upon approval of your application.

What fees are associated with a Usance LC?

Fees for a Usance LC can include:

  • Issuance Fee
  • Amendment Fee (if any changes are made to the LC)
  • Negotiation Fee
  • Confirmation Fee (if required)
  • Interest Charges (for the usance period)

How can Letter of Credit Online help me with Usance LCs?

Letter of Credit Online provides Usance LCs. From your application to issuance and beyond, The team ensures a smooth and secure process, tailored to your specific trade needs.

Contact Us

If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact our support team at
Subhash Chandra – +91-8448278716. By addressing these common questions, we hope to provide a clearer understanding of Usance LCs and how they can benefit your business. Visit LetterofCreditOnline for more detailed information and personalized support they will provide you all type of Letter of Credit.

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